It’s easy to assume that those around us are in love, don’t have financial strain or have healthy family dynamics.
We often only see what people show us.
I am here today to tell you that everyone is going through something. No one is living a perfect life void of the complexity that comes with being human. No one is exempt.
I think taking this on board can change our behavior in three ways:
We don’t have to hide our struggles anymore. Chances are, you’re not the only one having a hard time—so much of our suffering is enhanced by isolation and silence. I have found that once I start to be vulnerable and open up about what I am going through, others do the same. Let’s start being a safe space for one another. Life is hard enough without having to do it alone.
We can increase our kindness. We are often more kind when we think someone is having a bad day or navigating through something difficult. If we assume this is everyone, our interactions will be filled with more compassion, patience, and grace. Being kind doesn’t mean we let others walk all over us because they are going through something, but it does mean that we establish a “new normal” for how we treat people.
We can park the judgment. We can stop judging ourselves for the fact that we don’t ‘have it all together’ (no one does!) and we can stop judging others for the same thing.
In case you missed it:
My book: “It’s On Me” is now 46% off
I’ve started a journalling challenge! To my paid subscribers, I send bi-monthly (twice a month) reflection questions to help them turn inward and connect with them Selves. This challenge will last until the end of the year.
I developed a course for Simon Sinek’s platform called: How to build strong relationships at work. It’s now available!!
Your comment-"so much of our suffering is enhanced by isolation and silence." Reminds me of what Socrates chose between taking the Hemlock or being banished from society, isolated from other people. He chose the Hemlock. For he knew that we are social creatures, and can't live a sane life without each other. Honestly what people are going thru is what makes them interesting. There isn't anyone more boring than listening to Peter & Patty Perfect. I'll take Frank & Francis Flawed any day of the week.
I like what you mentioned, a select few. How do we know who we can share with that won't turn around and take what we say as a weakness?